Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic School traces its roots back to six Catholic families who traveled from Holland to Wisconsin and then finally settling in Oregon in 1875. In the same year, Father William Verboort transferred from the diocese of Milwaukee to the Archdiocese of Oregon City. After arriving, Father Verboort and the community built an informal school and a church, which was consecrated as St. Francis Xavier Chapel. In 1876, Father Verboort and his parents died of fever. The community was named Verboort that same year. In 1883, a new church was built and named Our Lady of the Visitation. The old church was converted into a two-room schoolhouse. The first lay teacher was Mary DeWire. She came in 1883. Archbishop Blanchet founded the community of The Sisters of Saint Mary of Oregon primarily for the education of the youth in parochial schools. In Janary 1891, Sister Mary Anthony, Sister Mary Margarite, and a postulant Anna Rotzinger, who became Sister Mary Vincent, became fhe first Sisters of Saint Mary of Verboort. In fact, there has been a sister from the Sisters of Saint Mary of Oregon teaching and assisting at VCS for over a century.
Sr. Clare Vandecoevering |
Sr. Agnes Vandecoevering |
Sr. Anne Vandecoevering |