Strengthening the topic sentence with supportive details
Introduction to how to write a persuasive letter
Practice grade level words, vocabulary, and decoding skills
Distinguish between the different parts of speech and usage
In depth analysis of prepositions, conjunctions and interjections to support strong sentence structure
Concentration in the 5 critical areas of phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and text comprehension
Read from a variety of fiction and non-fiction sources
Order, model and compare positive rational numbers
Add, subtract, multiply, and divide percents, decimals, mixed numbers, and fractions with like and unlike denominators
Represent and evaluate algebraic expressions involving two variables
Model and solve problems using representations such as graphs, tables, and equations
Determine and use formulas for finding perimeter and area of rectangles, triangles, circles and other polygons
Convert from one unit of measurement to another unit within the same system
Use the scientific method to explore, experiment, and inquire about the natural world
Investigate plant growth, animal adaptations, and climate
Investigate matter, atoms, light, sound, and electricity
Discover changes in the Earth’s crust and resources, and explore space
Steps to Respect: an anti bullying program
A focus on healthy choices such as good nutrition, exercise, and avoiding drugs, alcohol, and tobacco
Study of control systems of the body as well as growth and development
Social Studies
Distinguish between the 5 themes of geography
Distinguish between different landforms and causes for natural disasters
Describe different bodies of water, climates, and vegetations throughout the world
Examine between different cultures and ethnic groups throughout the world
Describe physical features, climates, and economic activities of the United States
Taught in art class as well as integrated throughout all subject areas
Development of art principles such as line, color, texture, form etc. through the use of different medium (watercolor, paint, collage, mosaics, sketches, and sculpture)
Study of the Old Testament, liturgy, prayers, and service
Learn about Abraham and Sarah, Isaac, Jacob, Noah, Joseph, and the Covenant with God
Discuss how God frees the Hebrews from slavery
Study how the Israelites turn away from God and are forced to leave their homeland
Discuss how Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s promise of a Messiah
Relate the Old Testament stories to our lives
* Fifth and Sixth grade is a blended classroom with a rotating curriculum in Religion, Social Studies, Science, and Health. The course work provided ensures that every student experiences age-appropriate and sequential instruction across the curriculum. Please speak with your classroom teacher to identify the current year’s curriculum topics.